Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Keep Me Safe Till The Storm Passes By

Last night one of those unexpected storms blew in.  The girls and I were in all snuggled in my big old bed feeling nice and warm and secure when it began.  The thunder rolled, lightning flashes were big and bright, and then from out of nowhere there was a sound, like a mighty rushing wind.  It was getting closer and closer...kinda sounded like a train rushing around the house.  I looked out and couldn't see anything.  Haley was tossing and turning, Erin was sleeping like a baby, and  I of course was wide awake…making sure we were all safe and sound.  I looked on my cell phone weather bug and there were no warnings or alerts, it just showed rain.  I laid there for a few wondering if I should wake the kids out of a sweet sleep to move them to the basement. 

Those of you, who know me, know by now that I put a spiritual spin on everything, trying to apply it to life.  So with that being said, this storm outside made me think about our duties as a Christian.  If we are awake in our Christian walk and others may be sleeping or perhaps just dozing off a bit, do we stand by and watch them as the storms begin to consume their life?  Do we let the rain soak them or offer them an umbrella?   When the winds begin to blow do we let it over take them blowing them farther and farther away or do we offer them shelter, a place to come in out of the winds and rain?  When we hit treacherous times, tornado stage....do we take cover only for ourselves or do we warn them around us who may not know or even be aware of what’s going on around them because of any numerous things.  You may ask, "how could we not know there’s a storm coming?" Perhaps someone is working in a building with no windows so they don’t see any signs or even hear any sounds alerting them of any possible danger.  We have to warn others of the storms in life when we see the signs.  We have to tell other people who may not be strong enough in their own faith.  We have to help those who have a need.  We can’t wait until it they reach sudden destruction, and a possible time of no recovery.  Psalms 55:8 tells us “I would hasten my escape from the windy storm and tempest” Sometimes even the strongest of Christians get weak and need the help of other believers.   So we have to help others when the time is at hand making a possible way of escape for them.   Isaiah 25:4 tells us ” For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall.” 

A childhood song is brought to mind, if we all pull together how happy we will be!  We have to help one another, lift up one another up.  I am thankful someone cared for me when I started my walk with the Lord.  I am even more thankful that there are still folks today who take the time to help when I may be feeling down.  We all need a friend at times and we all need to be a friend from time to time. 

Psalms 107:29 tells us “He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still .” Needless to say the storm passed and we were safe. Thank God that someone’s prayers reached Heaven and we were safe through the night. 

Pray all my readers can say the same thing.  If you know someone going thru a storm in their life today reach out to them.  Share the words from the Bible with them, pray for them and be a shoulder they can cry on.  You never know whose life you can touch!

Below is a link to a song I love...I am not sure who that singer is but listen to the words.  Till The Storm Passes By

If you are facing a storm in your life today know that Jesus cares, He loves you and He can bring your through!  Tell Him your concerns and he can help you get through this trial of your faith!  He can keep you safe till the storm passes by!

Click on the link below to View and Listen!

Till The Storm Passes By

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1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by and pray you have a blessed week! Please stop back by often!
