Often times I think of that one lady who put all her efforts into getting prayer out of schools. Funny thing to me is that her efforts were truly in vain. She forgot one big thing. In order to remove prayer she would have also had to remove tests, I am sure as long as there are test being given there will be students whispering a prayer.
That old saying, you can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl, well that same concept applies to a Christians and Prayer. There will always be times when a need arises and a true Child of God will call on him for help, that is just the way it is. Without fail, God will be there to answer that prayer as well. It may not always be the answer we are seeking for but it is His answer. When we ask for something, we have to be prepared for any possible answer. Rest assured the answer you get will be the perfect answer to your prayer. We have to learn to accept it...that's all.
We find in the King James Version of the Bible prayer is referred to 500 times. Here are just a few verses for you to enjoy.
In James 5:15-16 we read that ... "the prayer of faith shall save the sick , and the Lord shall raise him up ; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed . The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. "
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